Sunday, 14 April 2013

Basic Facts

Today Room 14 sat the same basic facts test that we did in week 2. After marking them with our pink (to be proud) and green (to go on with) highlighters the children could see how many more they got right this time. There was a lot more PINK this time around!
You have all learned so much this term and your hard work has paid off! I am very proud of you, it is a great start to the year-keep it up!- Miss Chichester

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

What is a nogard?

Today during Inquiry we looked at sending and receiving messages. We found that each person in the class can receive the same message differently.
We all listened to the same description about a creature called a nogard. We all drew what we think a nogard would look like. When we all looked at each others' drawings we found that we have all interpreted the description differently and each have a unique nogard.
Here are some of our creations.
Can you figure out what a nogard is?

 What is a nogard?

The nogard is an animal. It has an oval shaped body. It has a long neck and tail. The top of the neck, back and tail are covered with a row of triangular shaped plates. The nogard’s head is shaped like a long triangle. It has big eyes and eyebrows that stick out. It also has big nostrils. Its body is covered with scales. The nogard has four short legs. At the end of each leg is a foot with five toes. Each toe has a sharp claw at the end. The nogard has two wings attached to its body. These are located behind the front legs towards the top of its back. Nogards are usually green but change to a deep purple during the winter months.